Friday, January 14, 2011

Minutes from December 28th, 2010 Meeting

Members of Sunny Beach Neighborhood (SBN) met from 5 to 7:30pm on December 28th, 2010, to discuss neighborhood issues, get acquainted with one another and to celebrate the holiday season. The meeting was hosted by Bruce and Anne Billings at 11216 Bernice Dr.
In attendance were:
Bruce and Anne Billings
BJ and Catherine Mehirnfar (11205 Bernice)
Jesse Meason and Carmen (11227 Bernice)
Robert and Janis Cox (11223 Reagor Way)
Ron Binkley (11203 Bernice and 11226 Reagor Way)
SBN Officers' Reports
The president of SBN, Tom Empey, was out of town; no business was reported.
The treasurer, Bruce Billings, reported that approximately one-half of the neighborhood had paid dues to support SBN activities in 2010. The SBN bank account ended 2010 with a balance of $1,279.58. An additional $50 in dues was collected at the meeting.
The secretary, Anne Billings, distributed copies of the 2010-2011 Neighborhood Directory to those present. Information and photographs in the directory reflect many changes at Sunny Beach since the last directory and are current from input available through the end of 2010. There are two copies available for each property represented. Contact Anne or Gerri Empey to receive your directories.
New Neighbors
11201 Schwartz, Kyle Manary (Heather) of Galveston, TX
11213 Schwartz, Kay Harrington of Richwood, TX
11205 Reagor Way, Diane Jackson passed away June 12, 2010; Richard Cole, her friend in Bellaire, TX, not only agreed to be the contact, but also paid dues to support SBN.
11218 Reagor Way, recently sold (formerly Metta Weburg)
11224 Reagor Way, Mike Jernigan and Gaard Egeland, of Houston, TX
11221 Bernice, John Pellegrini (Peggy), of Mineola, TX
11227 Bernice, Jesse Meason (Carmon), of Richmond, TX
SBN Issues
(Items listed below were discussed, but none acted upon. These will be revisited at our next meeting)
Beach Sand Renourishment -
Although the sand project was cancelled, residents at our meeting seemed optimistic that sometime in the future it will be reinstated.
Beach Bollards -
Ron Binkley (11203 Bernice & 11226 Reagor Way) reported that the GLO in Austin is agreeable to having the bollards repositioned, but our problem is with the City of Galveston. Consensus was to continue to push the city to have the bollards moved westward of our development.
Additionally, we need to hold the city accountable for maintaining the lot at 11213 Bernice Drive purchased in the Ike buyout. * SBN residents have seen vehicles accessing the beach through this lot. We could request some sort of barricade to the beach (bollards?) on this lot.
* Julia Lewis (11216 Schwartz) says she has a design for use of this property for SBN to propose to the city.
Neighborhood Security & Welfare
We have been fortunate to have the Empey's (who sold their home in December), the Husemann's, Bond's and others living at Sunny Beach keeping an eye on what is happening for those who own properties as vacation homes and/or rentals. BJ Mehirnfar (11205 Bernice) suggested we identify which Sunny Beach homes are occupied full-time (This information is available in the Sunny Beach Directory.) He proposed we consider hiring a "manager" (perhaps part time or as needed) with neighborhood funds to watch out for residents' needs - from bringing in trash bins from the street after weekly pick-ups, to maintenance needs and trouble-shooting.
We also discussed the need for something to distinguish our neighborhood as a unique, cohesive identity, with the purpose of enhancing all SBN property values. Ideas discussed included planting a "hedge" of oleanders or installing a fence along 3005 and possibly 8 mile road perimeters of Sunny Beach - something to make it look like a distinct community.
New Business
Our next meeting will be late winter or early spring.
Please advise Tom Empey of ideas or items you wish to include on the agenda for the next SBN meeting.
You can lend a hand with pulling in trash bins in for out-of-town neighbors who must depart Sunny Beach prior to their trash pick up. Get to know your neighbors. Report any "strange" activity or vehicles at properties, to the police and/or to other SBN members.
Sunny Beach Neighborhood participation is important; please become involved.

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